Monthly Archive: February 2017


Hindi pronouns

  Pronouns Pronouns + to be   Singular Plural First person मैं हूँ mai hoon. I am. हम हैं.  hum hain.  We are. Second person तू है  Tu hai. You are. [used when talking...


Hindi simple sentence

Simple sentence Formation   Sub+object+negative particle+verb to be. मैं चिड़िया नहीं हूँ. I am not a bird. Let’s try it. Translate these sentences into Hindi and write your answer below in the box. I...


Chahiye-need चाहिए

Chahiye चाहिए -need Formation       Sub+ko+object+chahiye(चाहिए) मुझे खाना चाहिए. I need food. Singular Plural मैं+को =मुझे/मुझको तुम+को = तुमको/तुम्हें तू +को =तुझे/तुझको आप+को=आपको वह+को = उसको हम+को= हमको/हमें यह+को = इसको वे+को=उन्हें/उनको ये+को=इन्हें/इनको Let’s try...